2016-11-16 21:37 来源:网友分享
from a waitress: thank you for not smoking!
have you noticed the marvellous changes in atmosphere at your favourite places to eat? this is probably because all restaurants are now smoke-free! few days ago, we had a big celebration at birds nest to congratulate beijing for its great job in the past year implementing beijing smoke-free law, which applies to all public indoor places, and it has had a large impact on all citizens of beijing, especially those working in the food industry.
according to the survey investigated by china association of tobacco control, the rate of no smoker found in restaurant has increased to 81% after implementation of the law, compare with 49% before the law. we cannot achieve this big improvement without your support to the law.
in celebration of one year of smoke-free restaurants, zheng juan, a restaurant server shares her experiences with the new law in place:
“before june of last year, our work was quite hard and rather troublesome.
after the smoke-free law was implemented on june first, our work is now a lot smoother because most customers obey the law and have started changing their perspectives on smoking in general.”
service workers greatly appreciate customers respecting the smoke-free law in restaurants to help create a relaxing environment where the aroma of delicious cuisine overpowers the stench of smoke. please continue to follow beijing’s smoke-free law. thank you for not smoking!
黑木耳被誉为“素中之荤”木耳中的胶质可把残留在人体消化系统内的灰尘、杂质吸附集中起来排出体外,从而起到清胃涤肠的作用。同时,它还有帮助消化纤维类物质功能,对无意中吃下的难以消化的头发、谷壳、木渣、沙子、金属屑等异物有溶解与烊化作用,因此,它是矿山、化工和纺织工人不可缺少的保健食品。坚持吃一段时间的木耳对高血脂很有帮助的。黑木耳对于吸烟者也有作用,配上杀菌消毒,消食化肉, 降血脂的洋葱,尤其对清除尼古丁有很好的功效。